Over-the-Air updates in Flutter using Shorebird

Over-the-Air updates in Flutter using Shorebird

Have you ever found some bug just after publishing an app on app stores, and you need to wait for several days to complete the review process and release another update. Or you want to push an update directly to the app without any app store review, here is the solution.

Deploy updates instantly

Code push is a cloud service that allows developers to push app updates directly to users' devices

  • Integrate in minutes with no code changes

  • Push updates to any Dart code

  • Supports all Android and iOS devices

#1 Signup to Shorebird Console

#2 Installation of Shorebird CLI

Git is required

for Mac/Linux:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shorebirdtech/install/main/install.sh -sSf | bash`

for Windows:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser # Needed to execute remote scripts
iwr -UseBasicParsing 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shorebirdtech/install/main/install.ps1'|iex`

hit shorebird doctor to check if shorebird CLI is working perfectly or not

#3 Login into Shorebird CLI

> shorebird login # for login

#4 initialise

Initialise Shorebird into your flutter project

> shorebird init

Don't worry about internet permission in AndroidManifest, shorebird init will do that for you if it's not there.

#5 Now releasing

for AppBundle (.aab)

> shorebird release android

for apk:

> shorebird release android --artifact apk

to install app on the selected device

> shorebird preview

#6 Now push updates "Patches"

Make some changes in your app to push.

for Android:

> shorebird patch android

for iOS:

> shorebird patch ios-alpha

Example Output

It just simply downloads the update in the background when you are using it.

When you re-open your app BOOM, it's updated.

Shorebird console: